Thursday, August 14, 2008


Today we will discuss about vegetables.What indians speaks in hindi.These are just overview of hindi .Once we finished these lesson .we will come to grammar portion and then you will be able to speak hindi like me.So lets start.

1.potato------------[ आलू ] (most common) ------how to speak{ aalu }
2.Lemon-----------[ नींबू ] (most common)--------------------{ Nimbu }
3.Turnip-----------[ शलजम ]---------------------------------{ Saljam }
4.Ginger----------- [ अदरक ] (most common)-----------------{ Adrak }
5.Carrot----------- [ गाजर ]----------------------------------{ gaajar }
6.Cauli-flower------[ फूलगोबी]---------------------------------{ fool-gaubi }
7.Onion------------ [ प्याज ]----------------------------------{ Pyaj }
8.Cabbage----------[ बंदगोबी ]---------------------------------{ band-gaubi }
9.Tomato-----------[ टमाटर ]----------------------------------{ tama-ter}
10.Radish-----------[ मूली ]----------------------------------{ muli }
11.Pumpkin---------[ लौकी ]-----------------------------------{ lauki }

How to speak transportation in hindi-This is so simple just speak in english .This will be same as hindi except for two three which i am mantioning here-

1.Ship- [ जहाज ] --------How to speak-{ jahaj }
2.Bullock cart-[ बैलगाड़ी ]---------------{bell-gaadi }
3.Aeroplane--[ हवाई जहाज ]------------{ hawai-jahaj }

Ok here ends our overview portion next time we will start grammer portion.

please read and learn this.


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